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Writer's picturejaredcampbell31

Wishing to be Healed - (John 5:1-15, and Mark 10:46-52)

Good morning, my brothers and sisters in Christ.

John 5:6

Jesus, upon seeing this man lying there and knowing that he had already been in that condition for a long time, *said to him, "Do you want to get well?"


Jared led a discussion on biblical topics, emphasizing the importance of asking for healing and questioning its motives. He also talked about spiritual responsibility, suggesting that while God's grace is a free gift, individuals must seek salvation. He discussed various biblical stories, including healing at a pool in Jerusalem, the significance of baptism, the Jews' reaction to a man healed on the Sabbath, and Jesus restoring the sight of a blind man. He concluded the discussion by stressing the importance of understanding the Bible from a historical and spiritual perspective.

Spiritual Healing and Responsibility Discussion

Jared led a spiritual discussion focused on John and Mark's chapters from the Bible. They emphasized the importance of asking for healing, both spiritually and physically, and questioned the motives behind people's desire for healing. They also touched upon the concept of spiritual responsibility, suggesting that while God's grace is a free gift, individuals have the free will to accept it and must work out their own salvation. Jared concluded the discussion by urging everyone to contemplate whether they want to be healed or go through the motions.

Healing at Jerusalem Pool Discussed

Jared discussed John, Chapter 5, verses 1 through 15, which recounts healing at a pool in Jerusalem. They explained that an angel would stir up the water, and the first person to step in after this stirring would be healed. A man with a 38-year affliction was recovered in this way. When the Jews questioned who healed them, the man could not identify the person, as Jesus had departed the scene. Jared identified this healing as the third sign in John's Gospel and linked it to the Old Testament Pentecost, also known as the Feast of Weeks. The pool was believed to have curative powers and was used to wash down sacrificial lambs before they were slain.

Symbolic Participation and Healing in Christ

Jared discussed the significance of baptism as a symbolic participation in Christ's sacrificial death, which grants healing of the soul and the promise of the eternal resurrection of the body. They cited Romans 6:3-6 and emphasized the importance of patience and persistence, referencing a man who waited for 38 years before being healed by Jesus. Jared also highlighted the role of Christ as a healer and the need for those seeking healing to truly desire it, not just for complaining or eliciting pity. The conversation was centered around the teachings of St. John Chrysostom.

Jewish Leaders' Sabbath Healing Reaction

Jared discussed verses 10 to 12 of the Bible, focusing on the Jews' reaction to a man who was healed on the Sabbath. They explained that while the law did not explicitly forbid carrying burdens on the Sabbath, it was prohibited expressly in Jeremiah, chapter 17, verse 23, and as part of Rabbi's teachings. Jared pointed out that the term "Jews" here referred to the Jewish religious leaders, not the people in general. They highlighted the malice of these leaders for focusing solely on the Sabbath violation and ignoring the man's miraculous healing. Jared also discussed the healed man's decision to tell the Jews that Jesus had healed them, not as a malicious act, but as a witness to Christ.

Biblical Story of Faith Restoration

Jared led a discussion about a biblical story involving Jesus restoring the sight of a blind man. They emphasized the significance of the title "Son of David" and how it related to the blind man's faith in Jesus. Jared also gave a spiritual interpretation of the miracle, linking the low-lying city of Jericho with humanity's fall and Jesus' subsequent restoration of sight as a metaphor for humanity's redemption. Towards the end, Jared announced that the topic for their next morning devotional study would be Acts chapter 14, specifically focusing on the church in Lystra, Derbe, and Galatia, as well as a return visit and a report back to Antioch.

Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture

Jared stressed the importance of understanding the Bible from a historical and spiritual perspective. They offered spiritual interpretations of Scripture, emphasizing how these can aid in the spiritual journey of followers of Christ. Jared concluded the discussion prayerfully and expressed their love for the participants and those following the studies. They also encouraged the development of a relationship with Christ.

In Christ, love Jared

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