Good evening. Great is His faithfulness. Christ is in our midst.
WISDOM OF SIRACH 12- - link provided to follow along the versions are nearly the same...
Showing "KINDNESS" - vv. 1-6
12:1-6: As Christians we are to extend hospitality, but not indiscriminately- (Psalm 140(141):4-5; 2Timothy 3:6). What is "ALMSGIVING?" It's giving to the needy, and this has always been a godly virtue. Here in the Wisdom of Sirach teaches when one of us chooses to practice this virtue to wisely choose a godly recipient. The man "WHO DOES NOT GIVE ALMS" is classed with those who persist in "EVIL" - (v. 3).
12:4-7: The commentary of the Orthodox Study Bible, these vv. are reflecting the view of the ancient societies, which includes the Hebrews and Greeks. It was taught that one should extend grace or to do good mainly to one's family or also to one who is godly. In the ancient societies only a few believed in doing good to one's enemies until Jesus Christ strongly taught us to do so - (see also- Matthew 5:38-48; and Luke 6:27-36). St. Paul sums up "ALMSGIVING" - "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith." (Galatians 6:10).
12:7-18: Here in a fallen world the godly will always have enemies- those enemies could be human or demonic, or it's both. Ben Sirach warns us against fair- weather friends (outlined in vv. 8-9). An enemy is like rust, which ruins metal - (v. 10). Be on guard always and "NEVER TRUST YIUR ENEMY" - (v. 10).
"There is an old saying that we should keep friends close, but our enemies closer. I always thought that was a foolish statement that only man could cook up, and taking a deeper look into the Word of God we aren't to trust our enemies, and it seems it's better to keep as much distance as we need from them."
Kindness does not require us to be blind to facts or to live in fancies, but it does require us to cherish a habit of goodwill, ready to show pity if sorrow appears, and slow to turn away even if hostility appears.
- Alexander MacLaren
Numbers 6:24-26
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord [a]lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” ’
In Christ love Jared W Campbell
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