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The Bible Day 31: ”How Do We Lead Like Jesus” (Psalm 18:1-6, Matthew 21:1-17, Job 19-21)


Leading like Jesus involves embracing humility, compassion, and having a servant's heart. In Psalm 18:1-6, we see David's reliance on God's strength, illustrating the importance of seeking guidance in leadership. In Matthew 21:1-17, Jesus exhibits assertiveness and compassion, cleansing the temple and welcoming the marginalized. Job 19-21 showcases Job's resilience in facing challenges, highlighting the endurance required in leadership. To lead like Jesus, one must blend strength with humility, prioritize compassion, and persevere through trials with unwavering faith.

Wisdom Reading Psalm 18:1-6

Introduction Summary:

Psalm 18:1-6 is a powerful testament to David's deep and unwavering trust in God. This passage reflects his experiences and challenges, emphasizing the foundational principles of spiritual reliance and leadership that echo through the ages.

Scripture Breakdown:

1. Verse 1-3 - Invocation of God's Strength:

David begins by expressing his love and trust in God as his rock, fortress, and deliverer. He acknowledges God as his strength, emphasizing the personal relationship and reliance on divine support.

Spiritual Teaching: Leaders like David should recognize the importance of relying on a higher power for strength and guidance. Trusting in God establishes a firm foundation for leadership.

2. Verse 4-6 - Desperate Cry for Help:

David vividly describes his dire circumstances, using metaphors such as death's cords and torrents of destruction. Despite the challenges, he calls upon God for help, highlighting his unwavering faith in God's responsiveness.

Spiritual Teaching: True leadership involves acknowledging vulnerabilities and desperately turning to God. This teaches humility and reinforces the idea that strength is found in reliance on the Divine.

David's Leadership Insights:

- Reliance on God's Strength: David's acknowledgment of God as his strength sets an example for leaders to recognize their dependence on something beyond themselves.

- Openness about Struggles: By openly expressing his desperate situation, David shows that leaders should not shy away from admitting challenges. Authenticity fosters trust and connection.

- Promptness in Seeking God: David doesn't hesitate to turn to God in times of trouble, illustrating the importance of quick and earnest reliance on spiritual guidance for effective leadership.

In summary, Psalm 18:1-6 offers profound insights into David's leadership style, emphasizing reliance on God's strength, transparency about struggles, and prompt seeking of divine guidance. These timeless principles provide valuable lessons for leaders seeking to lead with spiritual wisdom and authenticity.

New Testament Reading: Matthew 21:1-17

Matthew 21:1-17 portrays a pivotal moment in Jesus' life, showcasing his leadership qualities and providing profound lessons on leading with humility, compassion, and a heart for the marginalized. This passage reveals Jesus' intentional and transformative leadership approach.

Scripture Breakdown - Matthew 21:1-17:

1. Verses 1-5 - Triumphal Entry:

Jesus instructs his disciples to fetch a donkey and colt, fulfilling the prophecy from Zechariah. The crowd welcomes him joyfully, spreading their cloaks and palm branches on the road, recognizing him as the promised Messiah.

Spiritual Teaching: Jesus' deliberate fulfillment of prophecy emphasizes the divine plan and the importance of recognizing and embracing God's appointed leaders.

2. Verses 12-13 - Cleansing the Temple:

Jesus enters the temple and overturns the tables of the money changers, condemning the exploitation of the sacred space. He declares the temple a house of prayer, illustrating a commitment to spiritual purity.

Spiritual Teaching: Leaders should prioritize the sanctity of their mission and environment, addressing and rectifying practices deviating from the core values.

3. Verses 14-17 - Healing and Acceptance of Children:

Jesus heals the blind and lame in the temple, demonstrating compassion for the marginalized. Children praise him, and Jesus affirms their significance, rebuking those who dismiss them.

Spiritual Teaching: True leadership involves compassion for the vulnerable and an inclusive approach, recognizing the worth of every individual, regardless of societal status.

Leadership Qualities Highlighted:

1. Humility and Purposeful Actions:

Jesus' choice of a donkey for his entry and the deliberate fulfillment of prophecy showcase humility and a clear sense of purpose. Leaders should act with intentionality, grounded in humility.

2. Passionate Commitment to Purity:

The temple cleansing underscores Jesus' commitment to the purity of his mission. Leaders must actively address practices that deviate from their purpose's core values and integrity.

3. Compassion for the Marginalized:

Jesus' healing of the blind and lame and accepting children reveals a compassionate leadership style. Leaders should prioritize inclusivity and show care for those often overlooked.

4. Courage in Challenging the Status Quo:

Overturning the tables in the temple reflects Jesus' courage in challenging practices that compromised the sacred space. Leaders must be bold in addressing issues that hinder their mission.

In Matthew 21:1-17, Jesus exemplifies a leadership style marked by humility, purposeful actions, commitment to purity, compassion for the marginalized, and courage in challenging the status quo. These qualities serve as timeless lessons for leaders aspiring to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

Old Testament Reading: Job 19-21

Job 19-21 unveils Job's profound resilience and unwavering faith in the face of immense suffering. Job's leadership shines through as he grapples with profound challenges, displaying a steadfast commitment to his beliefs and a resilience that serves as a guiding light for those navigating adversity.

Scripture Breakdown - Job 19-21:

1. Job 19 - Job's Response to Friends:

Job expresses his deep distress and sorrow, lamenting his suffering. Despite feeling abandoned by friends and family, he trusts God's ultimate justice and redemption.

Spiritual Teaching: Leaders can draw inspiration from Job's perseverance in isolation and despair, emphasizing the importance of maintaining faith and trust in challenging times.

2. Job 20 - Zophar's Response:

Zophar accuses Job of wickedness, suggesting that his suffering results from divine punishment for wrongdoing. He emphasizes the fleeting nature of worldly success for the wicked.

Spiritual Teaching: Job's encounter with his friend Zophar highlights the need for leaders to discern and respond with empathy, avoiding hasty judgments about others' hardships.

3. Job 21 - Job's Counterargument:

Job challenges his friends' simplistic understanding of divine justice, pointing out that the wicked often thrive while the righteous suffer. He questions the conventional wisdom about the direct correlation between one's actions and their fate.

Spiritual Teaching: Leaders should reflect thoughtfully, questioning assumptions and conventional wisdom, recognizing that life's complexities may not always align with simplistic interpretations.

Leadership Qualities Highlighted:

1. Resilience in Adversity:

Job's ability to endure profound suffering while maintaining faith showcases remarkable resilience. Leaders can draw strength from Job's example, emphasizing the importance of endurance during challenging times.

2. Trust in Divine Justice:

Job's unwavering trust in God's justice and despisal struggles highlight a crucial leadership quality. Leaders should maintain a deep faith and trust in higher principles, even during difficulties.

3. Empathy and Discernment:

Job's interaction with his friends emphasizes the need for leaders to approach others with empathy and discernment. Hasty judgments can hinder understanding, and leaders should strive for compassionate engagement.

4. Critical Thinking and Challenging Assumptions:

Job's questioning of conventional wisdom demonstrates a commitment to critical thinking. Leaders should be open to challenging assumptions, fostering an environment of intellectual curiosity and growth.

In Job 19-21, Job's leadership qualities of resilience, trust in divine justice, empathy, and critical thinking shine through. Leaders can draw inspiration from their journey, learning valuable lessons on gracefully navigating adversity and maintaining a steadfast commitment to their principles.

In Christ, love Jared W. Campbell

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