Welcome back to JPCE Spiritual Talk I'm Jared W. Campbell and today we have Revelation 12 Study and Scripture Breakdown!!! Once again I pray everyone is enjoying my studies if you aren't subscribed please do so, also become a member because the newest updates will go directly to your emails!!! It's 100% free, just like the Lord our God attended His Word to be, given freely and left up to you to make that choice!!! At the first of the new year only members and subscribers will receive the messages, if you are interested but are skeptical about signing up, send me a private message and we will correspond that way with my daily messages and studies!!! Now that housekeeping is out of the way lets get to our studies, Revelation 12 is very interesting and yet at the same time it seems to be highly misunderstood by false teachers and prophets!!! Sit back and lets break this down Scripture to Scripture and see what we learn, without anymore hesitation, let's begin, and always Praise Him, Christ our God!!!
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
And he who [a]wins souls is wise.
12:1: This is an interlude of what has already taken place and ongoing battles of good vs evil!!! The Great Sign in Heaven, the woman, is either The Theotokos (The Virgin Mary Incarnate with Holy Spirit), or it's the true Israel, and also the Church itself true believers in the Faith, (Isaiah 7:14) a prophecy foreshadowing the coming Messiah!!! Unlike the harlot mentioned in Revelation 17, the Virgin Mary is a radiant Bride with lots of love and adorned with splendor!!! Twelve Stars: is indicating the Twelve Tribes, and could also point to the Twelve Apostles, some teachers say this has do with the stars and signs in the heavens!!! Sounds like blasphemy if you aske me, everyone wants to worship the creation, and not the Creator, everyone so quick to take Christ out of everything just like using the term Rapture yet ignoring the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!!! The Moon under her feet, is symbolizing her role over all of Creation!!! She gave birth to a male child and is said according to the Scriptures is the Messiah, the Son of God!!! the Offspring is referring to all those who are in the Faith, also for the Churches!!!
12:2-3: The Dragon is metaphoric language for Satan, which has many names by the way he is cunning and can also turn into a child of light (Great Deceiver) (Revelation 12:9): A Third of the Stars of heaven is also metaphoric language talking of the Fallen Ones who were casted out in Heaven before Creation I assume!!! Note Satan drew 33% of the Angels with him in order to destroy the Messiah, he has been doing it ever sense!!! Free Mason's use the number 33, my conclusion they do not worship Christ just another parasite added unto more problems!!! the fraction 1/3 is 33% in fact this isn't by accident nothing ever is, but the truth is the truth and nothing is hidden from the Lord: Sheep need to wake up!!!
12:5: True Israel: Brings forth Christ, and so after His completion and his His saving works, he ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father (He is in One Essence with the Father) see Psalm 2:7-9; 46:6) Christ is in the Psalms so awesome!!!
12:6: The flight of the woman: May and could be referring to the flight of the Jerusalem Church (Symbolizing true Israel) to Pella right before the outbreak of the Roman war: Telling us there was no place for the Church in this age!!! The 1260 days, or also known as the 3 1/2 years is a classic woe into judgements handed down by the Lord of the Most High, (Revelation 11:2) it sounds bad bit is not the end and like all things on earth it's temporary!!!
12:7-12: This passage is telling us Satan's entire role in the Biblical Setting, he is a disruption to not only the Divine Order, but to the Lord's Divine Law and overall Authority!!! The war between Michael and his good angels, and Satan and the Fallen ones is seen to take place right before the creation of our planet!!! But people tend to view this as some prophecy for our near future, keep in mind the Bible wasn't first complied into chapters that's mans doing so we are all aware!!! Luke 10:18 tells us that Satan has been accusing the brethren, the Christians, to his downfall because of the Kingdom of God, he was surely casted out for his rebellion to Divine Order!!! Satan, is overcome by Christ's self -sacrifice meaning His own FREE WILL He gave Himself for us, conquering death by death, so His sacrifice is also a connection to all the martyrs mentioned in Revelation!!! Those who did not love their lives to the death: The short time: Satan has is the period of tribulation just prior to the full end!!!
12:13-16: It's evident according to the Scriptures, and all the Testimonies given in this Great Book, that Satan hates Christ and the Virgin Mary!!! Mary and Joseph were both saved an the inspiration of an angel a messenger for the Lord of the Most High!!! (John 15:21): it's also evident Satan also hates Christ's church also true believers!!! Satan uses attacks through us all if we aren't spiritually protected , and Satan's first activities was to persecute true Israel!!! The Wings of a great eagle, is referring to the original Exodus (Ex 19:4; see Dt 32:11), the flood may also be telling us a threat of being drowned in the Red Sea...No worries Satan evil is and will be unable to prevail: So in our age will also be saved in the same manner, the Church and true believers will be preserved in the End Time, and the gates hell will not prevail against us or Christ, (Matthew 16:18): For Yeshua' (Jesus') warnings about this flight, see (Matthew 24:15-21)...
12:17: Finally ending our study here in verse 17, is telling us: Satan has and is still turning his attention to the rest of Israel's offspring, which is the Gentile Church, true believers which has inherited from her both the Commandments of the Lord, and Faith in Christ!!!
“And now, Lord, what do I wait for?
My hope is in You.
PSALM 39:7
I PETER 4:10
As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
-The gifts the Lord has given to us are to be used for the glory of our Lord the Almighty, and through His only begotten Son, Christ our God!!! We should always use His gifts through the Spirit of love, compassion and truth, because it's all about salvation and making the choice of true redemption!!! My Job and my calling is to be a counsel of truth in the Word of God, and to stay watchful and vigilant, I'm a Good Shepherd who tends to my flock!!!
-JPCE Spiritual Talk
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
PSALM 23:3