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Our Daily Bread: Kingdom of YHWH, and Christ the Ultimate Example continued (Part 2):

Writer's picture: jaredcampbell31jaredcampbell31


Good Tuesday morning it’s September 28, 2021, I pray all is well with you all.

Today’s Reading and Scripture work will cover Matthew 4, Psalm 103:2-3, and will end with Philippians 2:13.

Yesterday I mentioned that things were starting to make sense when it came to some of my dreams and visions I've been having lately. I have also noticed some of the gut feelings I have also been having are starting to also make sense. One night when I was in bed my ears started ringing and I heard this strange sound, then lots of lights had surrounded me. It felt as if I was traveling through a portal. During this intense 10 minutes of my life, I felt no pain and was never uncomfortable, but heard a woman’s voice call out to me. The voice alone freaked me out knowing it was not Heather’s voice, but then the feeling was over, but I had a message. I was brought to the Book of Isaiah for a reason, and now it makes sense. Isaiah was known as a prophet of doom, but was also a good shepherd who attended his flock and watched for them even when the judgments of YHWH were coming near. (At the end of the write up I will share some things I have said in the past: the NY Governor is extremely scary and very dangerous to the word of YHWH, look her up; the False Prophets have been awaken.)

“False prophets dwell among us as wolves searching to devour the lost sheep you have gone astray from the flock. Times getting stranger and lawless is gaining strength, Lions of courage and truth are under attack being either jailed, censored or threatened into compliance. The weak and the poor have no voice but instead are deceived into following and worshipping a system that only cares for the elites, we are just pheasants to these demons. I’m a soldier for Christ now, and for me, that’s all I serve is Him, the One, the Alpha and the Omega, and His Kingdom shall have no end!”

-JPCE Spiritual Talk

In the name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!

Prayer of Enlightenment

Having received this new day as a gift, I thank you, Holy Trinity, for through Your

goodness and patience You were not wrathful with me, an idler and a sinner, neither have You cast me down in my sins. But You have shown Your love towards me and have guided me to keep my daily watch and to glorify Your power. Enlighten my mind to study Your word and open my heart to understand Your teachings in Scripture. Help me to apply what I learn and to praise You with all of my heart and to glorify Your holy name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen!

“Some Christians give Satan more power than he actually has. The reason for this is their lack of spiritual preparation, and their oversight of the scriptures. The Scriptures hold the keys to not only triumph over evil, but how to destroy by doing good. Many Christians surrender their values and convictions because they lack spiritual strength. These are the ones in the flock that need constant love never to give up on them. I only pray they realize they have been misled by false prophets and teachers.”

-JPCE Spiritual Talk

Matthew 4:1-11: : Yeshua Triumph over Satan (Mark 1:12-13, & Luke 4:1-13):

4:1: To be tempted: is the same as being tested in a fundamental way in the areas of faith. In Mark, the spirit leads or throws Yeshua into the wilderness after His baptism to be tested by a struggle with the devil. Those of us who are baptized in Christ should never be defeated by temptations because we are aided by the Holy Spirit, and this is why we must be spiritually prepared at all times, use the scriptures and study the word of YHWH. The wilderness is a battleground, also an image of the world, both the dwelling place of demons and a source of divine tranquility and victory.

4:2-10: Yeshua is reversing Israel’s falling to the temptation in the wilderness. The Israelites were tested for forty years in the wilderness and were proved disloyal and disobedient. YHWH had to humble them first by letting them hunger, and then fed them with manna to help them learn to be dependent on Him (Deuteronomy 8:2-5) Yeshua is tested with hunger for forty days, but He did not sin. His answers to Satan are from Deuteronomy, and a call for loyalty to YHWH. Yeshua fasted to overcome temptation, giving us an example of our own power and limitations in the face of temptation. The hunger in the flesh does not control Him; rather, He controls His flesh. Our Lord’s fast of forty days is the foundation of the Church’s forty-day Lenten fast before Holy Weekend of the fast before Christmas.

4:3: Satan challenges Christ’s relationship to YAHWEH the Father. If You are the Son of God calls into question the Father’s declaration at Christ’s Baptism see (Matthew 3:17). What Satan wanted was for Christ to detach Himself from the Father. In His divine nature, Christ shares one will with the Father, and the Holy Spirit; He can do nothing of Himself (John 5:30), apart from the Father. But in His humanity He possessed free will, and chose to remain obedient to His Father YHWH.

4:4: By rejecting the first temptation, Yeshua rejects earthly kingdom and shows us not to pursue earthly comfort in the “food which perishes” (John 6:27). While Adam chose not to follow the divine word in order to pursue the passions of the body (Genesis 3).... The New Adam… Christ…. Conquers all temptation by the divine word, giving human nature the power to conquer Satan.

4:5: The Holy City is Jerusalem

4:6: Christ defeated Satan through the power of the Scriptures, Satan vainly tries to use the Scriptures to put YHWH’s power of protection to the test. See (2Pt 1:19-21).

4:7: Trials and temptations will always come on their own; and we should never intentionally expose ourselves to danger in order to test or prove YHWH’s protection. To do so is to tempt the Lord.

4:8-10: YHWH’s Kingdom is not one of earthly powers or even possessions. Satan is the ruler of this world. Because the world is ruled by Satan, Yeshua refuses the road of earthly glory, saving us and freeing us from the snares and attacks of the evil one. See( John 12:31, 1John 5:19, and 2Co 4:4).

4:15: The Term Galilee of the Gentiles indicates that many non-Jews lived in the region and were treated like second-class citizens by the Jews of Judea.

4:16: Darkness means ungodliness. To sit in darkness means to be overcome by spiritual ignorance. The Great Light is the Gospel of Yeshua, Christ our God.

4:17: Christ’s first word, like that of John the Baptist is “Repent”..... The Kingdom of heaven is present wherever Christ is.

4:18-22: These first disciples had already heard and accepted the preaching's of John the Baptist, and were prepared to accept Christ immediately.

4:23-25: Note the crowd do not swarm Yeshua when HE COMMANDS REPENTANCE, but only when He begins to heal and work miracles. This shows that people misunderstand the true nature of His Kingdom. It also shows Christ’s concession “to give credibility to what He teaches among the fickle multitudes.

Psalm 103:2-3: Bless the Lord, O my soul,

And forget not all His benefits:

Who forgives all your iniquities,

Who heals all your diseases,

Philippians 2:13: for it is YHWH who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

Therefore, because of Christ’s sacrifice, we are to take hold of YHWH offers, accepting His grace and working toward becoming mature in Christ. Note the cooperation: we work out our own salvation while it is YHWH who works in us to do His will.

“Each day I grow stronger as a soldier in Christ and strive to remain obedient to His signs and messages. I only report when I know it’s right to do so, meaning I do not seek my own understanding but wait patiently for His daily responses to my prayers in scripture. I encourage you all to continue to read and study the Word of YHWH, lawlessness is becoming the new normal.”

-JPCE Spiritual Talk

Things I have mentioned or said could happen:

  1. Checkout NY Governor Kathy Hochul: She is a false prophet professes YHWH with her lips she states YHWH told her we should all be vaccinated and wear a COVID19 identification around our necks showing we are fully vaccinated.

  2. Elon Musk's talks about how AI (Artificial Intelligence and AI robots) Check it out

  3. Checkout the CDC website talking about the 20 active Covid19 Isolation Camps, yep 20 are now active around the US.

  4. Checkout both the UN and World Economic Forums websites: They state we own nothing and be happy by 2030

  5. Food shortages are getting worse, and stores like Walmart are acting weirder each day, and I feel a dark evil presence when I enter a Walmart.

  6. Checkout guys like Bill Gates who is buying up farm lands like crazy with his patent of crypto currency 060606, also checkout Luciferase: The name of Satan is Lucifer.

“Scoffer will continue to scoff just like in Noah’s time. I’m no longer bothered by the scoffers and deniers of the Lord, the word is true. We are being prepped for what’s to come. Could mystery Babylon be hidden in plain sight? It’s being built as we speak and the Beast System is truly here. That’s why I turn to the Scriptures because I feel it’s about to truly get bad, and very soon the storm is coming!”

-JPCE Spiritual Talk

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen!

May YAHWEH Bless you all,

Jared W. Campbell

US Army Retired

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