Good morning, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Luke 2:8-20, The Witnessing of The Shepherds:
Spiritual Discussion on Luke 2:8-20
Jared led a spiritual discussion focusing on Luke, chapter 2, verses 8 to 20, particularly the witness of the shepherds. They emphasized the significance of this reading, particularly as they approach Christmas. Jared invited everyone to ask the Lord for guidance and understanding and expressed his pleasure in sharing God's word daily. Jared also highlighted the importance of serving others, exemplified by the shepherds chosen to spread the good news of Christ's birth.
Exploring the Significance of Shepherds in the Nativity Story
Jared explored the significance of the shepherds in the nativity story from Luke 2. Jared highlighted their role as the first witnesses of Christ's birth and their symbolism as Christ, the Good Shepherd. They also discussed the shepherds' simplicity and faith. Jared further explained the concept of the 'middle wall of separation,' referring to the barrier between the Gentiles and the court of the Jews in the temple, which Christ broke down to reconcile both groups (reference was from Ephesians 2:14-16).
OTHER SOURCES: (Deuteronomy 19:15 and John 10:11)
Jared's Call to Shepherding and Faith
Jared prays for everyone to find their way and accepts the call to be a good shepherd. Jared encourages everyone to develop a living relationship with Jesus and asks for the Holy Spirit's help to help them.
In Christ, love Jared W. Campbell
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