⛅ Good morning everyone! ⛅
“Examine Yourselves” (2 Corinthians 12-13):
Exploring Second Corinthians Chapters 12-13- Time 0:00
Jared led a morning session on Second Corinthians, chapters 12 and 13. He began with a prayer, asking for divine knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures. He then shared his name, Jared Wesley Campbell, and covered both chapters. The discussion was centered around the theme of faithfulness and the spirit's willingness despite the weakness of the flesh.
Paul's Visions and Struggles Discussed- Time 1:47
Jared discussed the concept of visions and revelations in the context of Paul's writings. He suggested that Paul's opponents might have boasted about their mystical experiences, prompting Paul to share his own experiences. Paul mentioned a man caught up to the third heaven and Paradise, where he heard inexpressible words. However, Paul did not boast about these experiences but instead focused on his struggles, referring to a thorn in the flesh that he believed was given to him to prevent him from being exalted. Paul saw his weakness as a means for the power of Christ to remain in him rather than his mystical experiences.
Signs of an Apostle Discussed- Time 7:13
Jared discussed the concept of "signs of an apostle" in the context of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. He referenced various verses from the Bible, including Romans 15:19, 1 Corinthians 2:4, 1 Corinthians 4:20, 1 Corinthians 12:28-29, and Hebrews 2:4, to illustrate the idea that apostles are associated with miracles, signs, and wonders that lead men to God and the Church. He emphasized that these signs and wonders were the primary factors that impressed the Corinthians.
Jared's Experiences as a Shepherd- Time 10:07
Jared discussed his experiences as a godly shepherd, emphasizing his willingness to spend and be spent for the souls of others despite not receiving the same level of love in return. He expressed concern about the potential for conflicts and jealousies within the group and the possibility of having to exercise the power of excluding those who have not repented. Jared also highlighted the importance of unity and harmony, stating that he was more impressed than physical miracles. He ended by expressing his fear of mourning for those who have sinned and not repented.
Faith, Virtue, and Holy Communion- Time 14:00-19:12
Jared ended the conversation by discussing the importance of self-examination in the faith, emphasizing the need for a virtuous life and communion with the Church. He also touched on the significance of the holy kiss as a test of one's faith and the early Trinitarian blessing. The conversation ended with a prayer and a blessing. The next meeting will likely start with an introduction to the Book of Galatians.
In Christ, love ❤️ Jared W Campbell