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DAY 106: "DISCOURAGEMENT" (1 Kings 19:14)

Writer's picture: jaredcampbell31jaredcampbell31

Good morning, my brothers and sisters in Christ.


Jared ended the discussion by announcing his decision to return to the basics, reading and teaching the Bible. He also led the group in a prayer, asking for understanding and application of the Lord's teachings.

Discouragement to Encouragement: Seeking, Knocking, Serving 0:00

Jared shared a devotional discouragement from First Kings, Chapter 19, Verse 14, and led the group in a prayer, asking for understanding and applying the Lord's teachings. He encouraged the attendees not to be discouraged and reminded them to keep seeking, knocking, and serving each other.

Elijah's Story: Back to Basics 1:53

Jared discussed the biblical story of Elijah from First Kings, Chapter 19, Verse 14. He ended the discussion by announcing his decision to return to the basics, reading and teaching the Bible.

Elijah and Romans 11:2-5 Discussion 6:46

Jared discussed a biblical passage involving Elijah. He read out verses from the Bible and explained their context and interpretation. Jared also referenced Romans 11:2-5, explaining that these verses refer to the divine selection of a remnant of Israelites, called 'romantic,' who were chosen according to God's foreknowledge and election. He concluded by emphasizing that God's choice of people is based on his knowledge of their hearts.

Psalms Reading and Prayer Discussion 11:40

Jared led a discussion about the reading from Psalms 5 in the morning. He also shared that he reads different psalms daily from Monday to Saturday, with Sunday being a day of rest. The reading concluded with a prayer, asking for divine guidance and understanding.

Morning Psalm Readings

Monday Psalm 89(90)

Tuesday Psalm 100(101)

Wednesday Psalm 3

Thursday Psalm 62(63)

Friday Psalm 102(103)

Saturday Psalm 5

Sunday Psalm 5

In Christ, Love Jared W Campbell

Numbers 6:24-26

“The Lord bless you and keep you;

25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

26 The Lord [a]lift His countenance upon you,

And give you peace.” ’

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