Good morning, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Summary: Jared delivered a sermon focusing on the persecution that those living godly lives in Christ Jesus can expect to face. He explained that this opposition often comes from individuals rebelling against Christ's lordship and encouraged listeners not to be discouraged but to see it as evidence of a life like Christ Jesus's. He also discussed the concept of the world's hatred as outlined in John, chapter 15, emphasizing that the world neither knows nor desires to know the Father. Jared highlighted that experiencing opposition is a sign that one is on the right path, citing personal experiences and biblical examples.
Persecution and Faith in Christ - (Time 0:00) Jared delivered a sermon centered around the reading from Second Timothy, chapter 3, verses 12 and 13. He discussed that those who choose to live godly in Christ Jesus will inevitably face persecution. Instead, they should understand it as evidence of a life like Christ Jesus's. Jared also mentioned that the intensity of opposition may increase as evil people and imposters worsen. He urged listeners to remain faithful and carefully follow the doctrine of the Lord.
John 15 Discussion on World's Hatred - (Time 5:08) Jared discussed the concept of the world's hatred as outlined in John, chapter 15. He highlighted that the world hated Jesus and would also hate his followers, as the world neither knows nor desires to know the Father. Jared emphasized that hatred for Jesus Christ is irrational and unreasonable, as Christ brings love and mercy. He reminded the audience that the world would have no sin if Jesus had not come and spoken or done works that no one else did. But now, they have seen and hated both him and his Father. Jared concluded that the world's hatred for Christ fulfills what was written in their law.
Embracing Opposition: Jared's Mission Message - (Time 11:24) Jared discussed embracing opposition and discomfort to fulfill Christ's mission. He highlighted that experiencing pushback is a sign that one is on the right path, citing personal experiences and biblical examples. Jared encouraged listeners not to shy away from such situations and expressed his love for everyone present.
In Christ, Love Jared W Campbell
Numbers 6:24-26 “The Lord bless you and keep you; 25 The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; 26 The Lord [a]lift His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ’
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