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"We Can't achieve Humility, if we are unable to be Thankful."- Psalm 130:1-134:3 Readings & Thoughts


Good Thursday morning, I pray all is well: Today’s readings and Reflections come from Psalm 130:1-134:3. It seems we are getting busy with the Bible, and I’m super excited. My plan is to get as far as we can in one year and eventually we will swing back to Genesis and end with Psalm 98; since we started with Psalm 99. I pray the readings and the reflections are helping some of you out there, and I also pray you all find eternal peace.

Psalm 130:1-8: God Offers Forgiveness: Psalm 130:6 My soul waiteth for the LORD more than they watch for the morning: I say, more than they watch for the morning. Psalm 130:4 But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be FEARED. “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I pray to the Father who grants me forgiveness of my transgressions. Father, I pray you continue to turn my humanistic FEARS into strong FAITH spreading the truth of the Gospel. Father also continues to show me MERCY and hold me accountable for my wrong doings, but grant me eternal life, because even though I struggle both my heart and soul belong to you. In Jesus name I pray- Amen!

Psalm 131:1-3: David Professes Humility: Psalm 131:2- Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my SOUL is even as a weaned child. Humility is hard to achieve for some of us with a hardened past. For me it’s something I must ask daily from the LORD, and since I’m compelled to tell the truth, I struggle with this daily. Many times I find myself taking a considerable amount of deep breaths if I’m interacting with someone who is in my world view clueless. “Father I pray you grant me the wisdom in my daily endeavors to exercise full humility with your grace. Father, help me to think before I react and help me to find wise solutions to any problems that may arise on today’s walk, and help me to maintain my daily integrity; setting a good example in your name. In Jesus name I pray- Amen!”

Psalm 132:1-18: Praise for the Ark’s Return to Jerusalem: I had to think about this small passage for a while. Not because I lacked understanding but I was trying to find a connection, I could apply to my daily reflections walking with our LORD and savior Jesus Christ. It seems David is discussing hard times Israel had suffered over the years. David is also discussing how God always kept his word and promises to Israel. It seems no matter how bad things got for the Israelite’s they always managed to overcome all of their persecutions. Despite Global hatred Israel is truly a Blessed Nation, and God had kept his promises to them all of this time. Psalm 132:17-18- There I will make the horn of David to bud: I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed. His enemies will I clothe with shame: but upon himself shall his crown flourish. It seems David is making a reference to Jesus in verse 18, which makes sense considering Christ was the promise made to Abraham; referenced in Genesis 12.”Father, even though I struggle in this world, one thing is clear: your blessings never expire. Like I said many times in my prayers to you both my heart and soul belong to you, because my life is yours! Keep me truthful and honest, full of integrity , and thank you for returning me to the light; and bringing me out of the DARKNESS.”

Psalm 133:1-3: Benefits from the Harmony of Believers: Psalm 133:1- Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Wouldn’t it be amazing if all the Churches worldwide were actually unified instead of divided. Could you imagine what the Christian community could really accomplish if we became unified under Yeshua’s (Jesus) true teachings and values. Instead we live in a world where Jesus has been taken out of context, and many churches allow false doctrines to be taught. Imagine the same churches on Sunday’s were the same ones on Monday as well? “Father, I pray for our country and worldwide, and I pray you open the hearts and minds of all CHRISTIANS worldwide! I pray you open the minds of unity to come together as one, and we continue your teachings and values as they are taught in the Bible. Father, I know the world I live in has not only misrepresented your great words, and have destroyed future generations! Finally Father, I pray you unite us all as one Christian community, in Jesus name I pray Amen!”

Psalm 134:1-3: An Exhortation to Bless God: Psalm 134:2- Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the LORD. This is today’s verse of the day. Let's all bless the LORD for he has done many great things, and sometimes we are blind to his great works.

I hope everyone continues to have a blessed day, and I will continue to pray all is well. Today’s message is to find something good in your life. It doesn't matter who it is or what it is. Thank our LORD and Savior for these gifts and blessings in our lives.

“We can’t achieve humility, if we are unable to be THANKFUL!” - Jared W. Campbell

God Bless,

Jared W. Campbell

US Army Retired

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