DECEMBER 22, 2021: SHALOM!!!
Who does great things, and unsearchable,
Marvelous things without number.
JOB 5:9
Revelation 3 continues talking about the Seven Churches!!! Yesterday I spoke about the the Four Churches Ephesus the Church was Loveless!!! The Church of Smyrna was Persecuted!!! The Church of Pergamos was Compromising!!! The Church of Thyatira was Corrupt!!!
Today we will finish up talking about the Church of Sardis which are Dead!!! The Church of Philadelphia They are Faithful!!! The Church of Laodicea They are Lukewarm!!!
3:1: Sardis: located 30 miles southeast of Thyatira!!! Was known for it's wealth and unassailable fortifications!!! Was once an extremely powerful but fell into decline!!! The Church appeared to be alive but was spiritually dead, see (Matthew 21:19)/ A Letter to the Churches of the Ephesians, the seven stars represent the seven angels that not only guide the the Seven Churches but also protect our universe!!! The Seven Spirits of God, once again Seven represents fullness and could be referring to the Lord's overwhelming power inside the Seven Churches!!! Or it's pointing to manifestation of the Spirit which we have already covered it's found in Isaiah 11:2- The Sevenfold operation of the Spirit!!!
3:2: Sardis failed because their guards failed to be watchful, and due to overconfidence!!!
3:4-5: White Garments: A symbol of the resurrected body!!! Spiritual purity, victory, and love; immersion or baptism and becoming born again into new life through Christ see Matthew 22:11-14 talking more about the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!!!
3:5: The Book of Life: (Revelation 13:8; 17:8; 20:12, 15; Exodus 32:32; Psalm 68:29; Daniel 12:1; Luke 10:20; see also 1 Enoch 47:3)... The Son is speaking of His Father and His angels but He also calls them His own angels (Matthew 13:41; 24:31)...
3:7: Philadelphia (Modern Alashehier) wasn't as big or as new as the other six Churches!!! It's also 30 miles Southeast of Sardis!!! The Key of David (Isaiah 22:22), from what I have read and researched this seems to be a messianic reference to the One who may judge in God's Name and admit or exclude from the City of David!!! The New Jerusalem, see (Ephesians 1:22)...
3:8: The Philadelphians were more than likely banned or excluded from the local synagogue, Christ's assurance of an open door to His Kingdom!!!
3:9: Worship: translated to "bow down" Yeshua forces the unbelieving Jews to basically humble themselves before the Philadelphian Christians, but not in a literal since of worshipping them!!!
3:10: To all of the Faithful, so Shall the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) will in turn be faithful during the hour of trial meaning judgements that will indeed come to the entire world and preserving the faithful during those trials of tribulations!!! Reference (John 17:15)...The Hour of Trial: see (Daniel 12:1; Matthew 6:13; Mark 13:4; John 17:6, 15; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12), also preceding the manifestation of the eternal Kingdom of God!!! Those who dwell on the earth is referring to the ungodly!!!
3:12: The New Heaven and New Earth is representing it all reuniting as one and freeing of all creation from the bondage it has been under...Pillar: the new name is Christ's full revelation of His Second Coming!!!
3:14: Laodicea (Modern day Eski-hisar) was 40 miles southeast Philadelphia on the same road!!! Amen: is a divine title applied here to Christ, who is the ratification and accomplishments of the Words and promises of the Lord our God!!! (2 Corinthians 1:19-20)...We see His sureness (Christ that is) and His Steadfastness along with the Faithful and True Witness: The Word beginning has been seize upon by ancient Arians and modern Jehovah's Witnesses, they attempt to prove Christ is created, but somehow deny His eternal Existence: More translations seem to accurately pinpoint the meaning "source" or "origin" He is the Master of All!!! Christ is truly in the Beginning (see Proverbs 8:23; John 1:3; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Colossians 1:16-17; Hebrews 1:2) The Lord's Word is both creative and Wise full of divine wisdom!!!
3:15-16: The Laodiceans were considered lukewarm in their spiritual beings as well as their good works!!!
3:17-18: Preoccupation with their materialism and wealth: We are to seek spiritual wealth, forgiveness and the resurrection of life, and the enlightenment in Christ not what the secular world wants from us instead!!! Gold, white garments, and eye slave, are linked to the three leading Laodicean industries!!!
3:20: I will dine with him: The open door the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!!! (Revelation 19:9; Luke 22:30) The Faithful will eat and dine with Him (Luke 22:28-30): Bridegroom (Matthew 25:1-13): Don't be shut out from the Supper of the Lamb and the Kingdom of Heaven, it's Coming!!! (Luke 13:25-30)...
3:21: Overcome and be one with the Father our Lord in Heaven!!! Be faithful and share His table and Throne in His Kingdom (Revelation 4;4; 20:4-6; 22:3-5; Luke 22:30; 2 Timothy 2:12)!!!
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
JOHN 3:16