In My Father’s house are many[a]mansions; if it were not so,[b]I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.
JOHN 14:2-3
Welcome back to JPCE Spiritual Talk this Jared W. Campbell today we are getting into Revelation 14...We will discuss The Lamb and the 144,000, Proclamation of the Angels, Harvest of Blessing: The Martyrs, Harvest of Wrath: The Grapes...The deeper we get into our studies the more excited and the more motivated I become, the Lord is truly speaking to me in ways that's extremely interesting!!! The year is quickly approaching so if you are not subscribed or a member of my site you will no longer receive my messages so please subscribe if you enjoy our in depth studies of the Scriptures!!! As always JPCE Spiritual Talk will always stick to the Scriptures and use the wisdom the Good Lord has given me to help you all understand what is being said directly in the Scriptures, lastly the translations helps us learn and gives us the truer meaning of His Divine Words!!!
14:1: Mount Zion: Translates to the dwelling place of God: located in Jerusalem, is the Church (Hebrews 12:22): Now according to Scripture it is where the Lamb of God and His one hundred forty-four Thousand faithful will assemble, reference (7:4): Listen closely instead of the Mark of the Beast (13:16-18) they have the Mark of the Father in the Heaven, the Seal of God the Seal of the Holy Spirit: (7:3; and look at 9)...
14:2-3: The Voice from Heaven; the voice of many waters, loud thunder, and harps sounding like a Divine Liturgy!!! The voice sings a new song (v. 3, 5:8-10; Exodus 15:1-18; Psalm 32:3; 98:1; 149:1; and Isaiah 42:10): Only the redeemed and faithful from the earth will be able to learn!!!
14:4: Virgins: According to the OT: Prostitution and adultery symbolize idolatry, and virginity signifies the faithfulness to the Lord our God!!! The 144,000 according to Scripture will keep themselves pure from all these evils, instead they will have complete Zeal to the Lord our God they will follow the Lord wherever He goes, see (Ruth 1:16-17) as the sheep follow a shepherd, which here the Shepherd is the Lamb, the Son of God: The first fruits are the ones who love the Lord their God, and will not love their lives even to their death of persecution: People will be martyred by the Millions when the times come and believe me my brothers and sisters in Christ it's coming!!! OT, temple sacrifices examples (Exodus 12:5; Ephesians 5:25-27; 1 Peter 1:19): We will all and shall later encounter them as the bride of the Lamb (19:8; 21:2):
14:6-7: This is a universal summons to worship the One True God in the face of His coming Judgements on the wicked and the faithless!!!
14:8: Babylon: The Great Rome has fallen (Jeremiah 28:8), there is always debate over Babylon so let's stick to scripture and wisdom: Babylon can be any Nation that goes against the Divine Law and order of the Lord our God the Almighty!!! (Revelation 18:1-19:4) Rome is responsible for the Nations, and the peoples of the empire and subject them all to such extreme wickedness (see, Isaiah 21:9), and Revelation 16:6 tells us they will also be responsible for the murder and shedding of the saints during the end times tribulation!!!
14:9-11: The Wrath of God: will be poured out like wine, but in full strength (Unmixed, with no water to dilute it), is saying to be drunk by those who compromise with the evil one!!! Fire Brimstones was the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah, Genesis 19:24, this same fate will be reserved for the false Prophet and Satan as well as the Beast!!! The false trinity maybe???(19:20; 20:10; 21:8)...The Holy presence in itself is torment (see Luke 8:37, the townspeople) the agony of the wicked will last forever and forever, compared to the eternal joy found in heaven!!!
14:12-13: Christians being persecuted most endure and must exercise patience and faith, keep the labors and the good works it's the unity of faith I think is better than the other options!!!
14:14-20: Two images of Judgement, a grain harvest (vv. 14-16) and a grape harvest, than it's completed with the treading of a winepress (vv. 17-20):
14:14: The Son of Man, royal conquer (Golden crown) and judge (sharp sickle; see Matthew 3:12), and will be seated on a cloud (see Mark 13:26), and reaps the harvest of the earth, is the beginning of the Final Judgement (see Matthew 13:24-30,36-43; Mark 4:26-29):
14:18: The angel...from the altar with power over fire (1 Enoch 60:11-21) let's recall 6:9; 8:3-5; and 11:1, 18): The prayers of the martyrs under the altar and the saints on earth the prayer are being heard!!!
14:20: Trampling of the wicked outside the city recalls the bloodshed (the crucifixion , Hebrews 13:12; the martyrdom of Stephen, Acts 7:58-60): The world is judged as the Jews would judge the Gentiles (Joel 4:2; Zechariah 14:2-12; see also 1 Enoch 5:31): Lots of bloodshed (one thousand six hundred furlongs) is about 184 miles: see the Numbers (1600=4 x4 x 100) wow the Lord's Judgement is severity and completeness!!!
9 Do not be carried [a]about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good that the heart be established by grace, not with foods which have not profited those who have been occupied with them.
STRANGE DOCTRINES are "foreign ones", it must come from the One, the Great Holy One, the Son of God: There is no spiritual growth if grace is not at the heart of ones own actions, we must be obedient to the Lord and His ways...Prayer, repentance and fasting is all part of a spiritual growth so we can grow in dependability with the Lord who give us our guidance!!! Our Spiritual growth is what we need to stay dependable for those who need us the most!!!
JPCE Spiritual Talk