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Revelation 13 Study and Scripture Breakdown/Read from Peace With The Psalms/Message about Courage!!!

Writer's picture: jaredcampbell31jaredcampbell31

Welcome back to JPCE Spiritual Talk and this a Study and Scripture breakdown of Revelation 13...So bear with me this study will have lots of information more than the previous Chapters, but no worries I pride myself on being on it to the best of my abilities!!! Moving forward we are fixing to hit information like the Mark of Beast, and the Great Deception that takes place in the End Times, seeing some of it now form and take shape!!!

SEALING THE DEAL ON THE FREE MASONS: G3: Strong's Greek= Abaddon The Destruction the Ruler of the Abyss!!! The Fallen Ones!!! Reference Revelation 9:11 In Hebrew Strong's Hebrew translates to above the stem meaning better than this or compare to this, green plants, fruits gets me recalling Genesis 3 the Serpent deceives Eve in the Garden of Eden!!! Hence, it's clear the Free Masons 33 is definitely referencing the 33% of the Fallen Ones!!!


13:1-2: The Beast: This is a hot topic because everyone wants to know who the Beast is!!! (Monster out of the sea) has many meanings, reference Daniel 7, the Beast could be an actual beast coming out of the bottomless pit mentioned in Revelation 9, that is coming towards the closer end: The Beast is also the kingdoms of this earth the world Governments through their policies violate God's Law!!! For John, he wrote about the Roman Empire even writing in code to invade more sedition charges, the Roman Empire was the Beast creature with ten horns (very powerful), the seven heads (the emperors), ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name (emperors who assume titles of divinity such as Lord and God, savior or even Son of God the list goes on): Looking back at (Revelation 5:12-14), the Lamb that is sacrificed is enthroned, the beast is given power, to persecute the Church: One of the heads of this monster is thought it had been slaughtered to death, and in parody with the Lamb which was standing even though it had be slain (Revelation 5:6): The deadly wound could refer to the extremely brutal emperor Nero's death (He received a slit throat in the manner of a temple self-sacrifice): Nero died in 68 AD, the empire of course lived on, and was revived under Vespasian...Many believed Nero himself would rise from the dead: Domitian (AD 81-96, the emperor at that time of the writing of Revelation): Domitian was considered Nero reincarnated because of his extreme brutality surpassed that of Nero's: We are told to be on the look out for the Antichrists' of our time "will be many until the end truly comes", reference (John 5:43; 2 Th 1:12; 1 John 2:18)...

13:4: People worshipped the dragon, (Satan), for it was given authority to the beasts (making a reference to emperor worship which was pushed harshly under Domitian)...Who is like the Beast??? Also an allusion to Michael the Archangel who's name means "Who is like God???", see (Exodus 15:11; Psalm 88:7): John is informing us as believers that the Government systems indeed follow the Laws of the Evil One and his fallen 33% of evil!!! The Final Antichrist will arise out of the failed Government Systems hence it's a Fallen World, the New World Order is forming!!!

13:5: Forty Two Months: The Final Period of the end of Days, the Tribulation!!! but only half of the final seven years!!! Nations trample over the holy city for 3 1/2 years (11:2) the two witnesses 3 1/2 years (11:3) we be unburied for three and half days (11:9); the woman is protected in the wilderness for three and half years (12:6, 14) Nero's persecution lasted forty two months exactly!!!

13:6: The Beast here is the Roman Empire, utters blasphemy against the Lord God: The worshipping of the Emperors by earlier Christians were said to be the same as worshipping Satan himself!!! Summing it up the Antichrist with the permission of the Lord God will have his day for a short time of 7 years!!!

13:10: "he who is destined for captivity", "he who is destined for the sword", is a message for all true believers facing persecutions, The Lord already knows our roles!!!

13:11-12: 13:11-12: The beast which rose out of the earth with two horns (power) like a lamb (Christ, gentle and giving), and which spoke like a dragon (Satan, whose speech is seductive), is worldly religion...Its minister of propaganda, so to speak, mimics John the Baptist and the Holy Spirit: a false prophet ( see Revelation 16:13, Revelation 19:20, Revelation 20:10, and Daniel 7:8) calling all to worship the first beast (false divinity)...This monster completes the unholy triumvirate: dragon (Satan, false god) beast from the sea (worldly authority and power, false Incarnation), and the beast from the earth (worldly religion, false prophet): a blasphemous parody of the Holy Trinity…

13:13-15: 13:13-15: With a parody of Pentecost, this monstrous cult leader is able to make fire come down from heaven on the earth by means of deception and sorcery, different world Governments including ours have been putting all kinds cool stuff in place over the years, let that sink in…(see Matthew 24:24; Acts 13:6-12; and the Didache 16:3-4) luring people into making an image of the beast (v. 14; the goddess of Rome or the emperor)...Statues were often brought to life by sorcery...Irenaeus, Clement, Justin, and Eusebius note that the sorcerer Simon Magus (Acts 8:9-24) used illusion and occult practices to make idols seem alive...This beast is able to enforce the sentence of death on those who will not worship him (see Nebuchadnezzar’s statue in Daniel 3)...

13:16-17: 13:16-17: A parody of YHWH’s seal of Revelation 7:3, even alluding to the Hebrew phylactery of Deuteronomy 6:8-Where YHWH’s Law is kept on the forehead and the left hand-and to chrismation (but not the same word as sealed)...The mark is gained by worshipping the beast (v. 17); it signifies the beast is the owner of those who wear it-their protector and the one to whom they owe their livelihoods...The mark is not necessarily a visible and physical mark on the person, but is required to do business...There is then an economic bias against those who do not bear the mark (the faithful who will not render demonic worship to the STATE, Government or political system, I have mentioned this before many times…

13:18: 13:18: The letters of the alphabet were used as numbers in ancient times (Roman numerals)...So, the numerical value of names could easily be calculated…”The name of the beast (v.17) is the numerical equivalent of the letters of the name of a man (some texts read “616” instead of the well-known 666)...John may be purposefully enigmatic, using a secret code to protect against a charge of sedition… This passage is is always misunderstood by many including myself, but the Word of YHWH’s says for this part it requires wisdom and understanding...The Bible says the number six represents falling short, incompleteness, imperfection; while seven on the other hand represents, perfection, fullness, completion; eight, for eschatological perfection, a superabundance of fullness (2 Enoch 33:1)...The sixth day, Friday, is the day of preparation; the seventh, the Sabbath, Saturday, a picture of the rest to come; the eighth day, Sunday, the day of Resurrection, the final establishment of YHWH’s Kingdom...The numerical equivalent of Yeshua (Jesus) in Greek is 888...The numerical equivalent of ‘Nero Caesar” transliterated from Greek to Hebrew is 666, meaning the epitome of created inadequacy...The numerical equivalent of “Nero Caesar” transliterated from Latin into Hebrew is 616...if John were referring to Domitian, whom some considered to be Nero reincarnated, it would be safer to refer not to the present persecutor but to one long gone...Some believers see that 666 is a symbol rather than a cryptogram, falling short of perfection in each of its digits; failure upon failure upon failure, an evil trinity which always falls short of the Holy Trinity (777)...Many have attempted to identify 666, but writing only one hundred years after John, St. Irenaeus had no idea to whom John was referring!!!


Message about Courage:

Be of good courage,

And He shall strengthen your heart,

All you who hope in the Lord.

PSALM 31:24

-Be strong and courageous and steadfast in your faith...Never bow to anyone or to a system, and don't be afraid to ruffle the feathers or even stir the waters...If you are challenged in complete righteousness in doing good in the name of Christ than by all means let your light shine...Loving Yehusa (Jesus) and doing what's right regardless of where the rest of our peers are heading, picking up your cross alongside Yeshua is true "COURAGE!!!"

JPCE Spiritual Talk





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