Good Thursday morning it’s September 16, 2021, I pray all is well.
Today’s readings, Study and Scripture work will come from Isaiah 3:1-26, Isaiah 4:1-6, Isaiah 5:1-30, and will end our Study with Scripture work from Psalm 4, and if I have a prayer answered I will do the scripture work for my given answer from our Father in Heaven, we only answer to Him and no one else remember that my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Just like my Lord and Savior I chose silence in His grace and protection, I love my Bible and His words it never leaves my sight always with me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!
Prayer of Enlightenment
Having received this new day as a gift, I thank you, Holy Trinity, for through Your
goodness and patience You were not wrathful with me, an idler and a sinner, neither have You cast me down in my sins. But You have shown Your love towards me and have guided me to keep my daily watch and to glorify Your power. Enlighten my mind to study Your word and open my heart to understand Your teachings in Scripture. Help me to apply what I learn and to praise You with all of my heart and to glorify Your holy name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen!
“The Righteous in Christ will always be called a problem to those who chose evil ways. The only thing Evil fears is those who stand for Good, and who chose to do Good works in the name of Christ. The Restraining force will not be in place forever, and at some point the entire Global system will collapse; it’s a feeling I have!”
-JPCE Spiritual Talk
Isaiah 3:1-26:
3:1: The Lord of Hosts, Lord of the Spirits see the Book of Enoch, Lord of All
3:2-15: Talks about sin and judgements, and how the mockers and scoffers will rule over the righteous in Christ. Their sin was made worse because they hand over those who are righteous. Lots of similarities of today’s global, political, and individual climates singly out of certain people and bringing harm to them and accusing them of being bad when in reality it’s part of Satan’s game of deception.
3:16-30: Daughters of Zion: Were wealthy women during those times in Jerusalem and lived near the royal palace, which was next to the temple during the time of Isaiah the Prophet. Their humiliation is a metaphor for the coming humiliation of Jerusalem. If we are using wisdom I see more similarities to our current situation as these people did when Isaiah warned of judgements and the need for repentance. Instead of turning from their evil ways and turning back to YHWH, they were quickly judged by YHWH, humiliated by their scoffers and suffered great losses.
“We are also suffering due to our lack of repentance and our “Great Falling Away” from the Lord our God, we are running out of time. Judgements are upon us, I’m choosing spiritual cleansing and in preparation for Yeshua’s Return!”
-JPCE Spiritual Talk
Isaiah 4:1-6:
4:1-6: The Spirit of Judgement: YHWH, will send a flood of affliction on the people to wash away their sin, and the Spirit of burning sounds like a fire to purify and purge them of all of their guilt. According to my Orthodox Study Bible these two images of water and fire also prefigure the washing of regeneration in baptism.
Isaiah 5:1-30:
5:1: The Song: of the vineyard is similar to the Jewish harvest songs used on feast days as we can see in (John 15:1-6, Christ calls Himself “The true vine”; His Father “The Vinedresser”; and those who are grafted, “The Branches.”
5:8-25: The Prophet Isaiah describes their sins: greed; love of pleasure; indifference to YHWH; intentional evil acts; mocking YHWH; perversion of the truth; vanity and conceit; dishonesty; and finally the full rejection of the word of YHWH and a full rejection of His Laws.
5:26-30: These verses describe the historical consequences of the sins laid out in the above context.
Blessed are You Lord our God, King of the universe who brings forth the fruit of the vine. Continue to mold me into an obedient Messenger of Your Greatness, and continue to give me the strength to humble myself daily at Your feet. Continue to give the strength to live a life of repentance, and a life of only Good works in Your Holy Name. Lastly my Lord and King, I ask you to continue to be merciful for all those who seek You with the whole heart, and those who keep Your Percepts! In the Name of the Holy One of Israel; Yeshua Hamashiach, Christ our God!”
-JPCE Spiritual Talk
Psalm 4:
Psalm 4: Is talking about the End: Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes” (Romans 10:4, ) ,and He is “the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End” (Revelation 1:8, ) The Lord doesn’t want us to be slow of heart, and not to love vain things, nor to seek after lies. Rather, we should all realize that the Lord, who is the Father, has made His Holy One, who is Christ, and to be wondrous in His death and Resurrection.
Prayers & answers to my prayers:
Philippians 4:5-9: : How do we handle our daily pressures of life. Keep our faith knowing the Lord is at hand, and present with us. We must dig deep at times refusing to worry, or being anxious for nothing, keep ourselves in constant prayer mode. Giving thanks to YAHWEH, meditation on that which is virtuous, and just being a godly person. As followers of Yeshua we must lead by example, things are getting hard there but I go into prayer everyday and night seeking answers and messages to share. I will always continue to pray for you all, and that will never change, fight my brothers and sisters in Christ, remember spiritual warfare is truly hell.
Proverbs 17:17: This one was also in my inbox this morning following prayer. This one speaks volume we need each other during the times, we need both friends and brothers and sisters in Christ. A friend is a friend but a brother and a sister in Christ is something totally different. Many of you are struggling today, and I have your SIX!
“Society in general has developed a system where they only treat the symptoms, but not the actual problem or condition. Treating symptoms no matter what we are talking about only works for a short time. Eventually treating the symptoms runout and if we fail to treat the actual issues and conditions; we are doomed. Reading Isaiah shows me many comparisons to the world we live in today. YHWH, has us under judgements but instead of treating the conditions. We continue down the road of treating the symptoms and moving further away from YHWH, what do you think is going to eventually happen; wake up!”
-JPCE Spiritual Talk
Tomorrow’s Readings and Scripture Work:
Isaiah 6
Isaiah 7
Psalm 1
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen!
May YAHWEH Bless you all,
Jared W. Campbell
US Army Retired
