“The Lord brought me to Ezekiel for a reason and with the convergence of Bible prophecy happening right before our eyes, it’s hard not to see the truth...The Gog and Magog War could be on top of us soon, and Israel plays a huge role in the 2nd Coming of Christ...I’m a patient messenger and will only stick to Scripture moving forward...So look up and smile because our redemption is getting closer, and we shall dwell in the House of the Lord for eternity...My eye is on the prize, and the prize is Christ, He is coming back for His bride…
...JPCE Spiritual Talk
Ezekiel Chapter 2: Ezekiel Called as a Prophet to Israel:
2:9-10: The roll of a book signifies Holy Scripture, which Christ unrolled (Mark 4:34; Luke 24:25)...”Scripture is written within by allegory, and without by history; within through spiritual understanding, but without through the plain sense of the letter still befitting the weak” (GrgGt)...Lamentation and mourning indicate repentance, while woe points to the Final Judgement, (Luke 6:25)...
Ezekiel 3: Ezekiel Made a Watchman:
3:1-3: For the faithful, the taste of Christ the Word in our mouth is even sweeter than honey… Reference:(Psalm 18:10; Psalm 118:103; Jeremiah 15:16; Zechariah 5:1-4; Revelation 10:8-11)...
3:6: Israel rejected Christ, but the Gentiles received Him (Luke 11:29-33)...
3:12-13: The Gospel spread first by preaching the sound, and later by the Holy Scriptures (The Wheels)...Verse 12 reference also Revelation 1:10…
3:17-19: The Watchman must warn the lawless of the coming judgement, or he will be held accountable for his silence…
3:20: The righteous man imagines the Old Testament faithful, who heeded the prophets’ warning and recognized Christ when He came…
3:22-27: After the Gospel was preached to the Jews, it was taken to the plain, the whole world...Ezekiel’s being shut up and put into chains points to the cutting off of the prophecy to make way for Christ...Note John the Baptist, the last Old Testament prophet, was put into the prison (Mark 1:14); and his father, Zacharias, had his tongue bound (Luke 1:20)...
Ezekiel 4: The Siege of Jerusalem Predicted:
4:1: St. Gregory the Great comments that the Prophet is called son of man so that when he is exalted he might remember his fallen state…
4:4-11: Ezekiel lying bound on his side is giving an image of the death of Christ, the Lamb of God, who bore the acts of unrighteousness of all humanity…
4:12-17: It would have been unthinkable for Ezekiel to carry out this command as first given...The Apostle Peter made a similar protest (Acts 10:9-16)...But in a striking reverse parallel, Christ made Himself to be sin for our sakes (2 Corinthians 5:21), so that all who waste away in their wrongdoings might partake together of the bread of heaven and the water of eternal life…
Ezekiel 5: Jerusalem’s Desolation Prophesied:
5:1-4: The hair and it’s destruction by fire, sword, and wind all point ultimately to the Final Judgement (Compare Job 1:13-22; Isaiah 7:20)...The hair sewn into the garment illustrates the faithful remnant who have bound themselves to Christ…
5:5-6: Jerusalem is the Church, which was indeed put...in the midst of the nations that she shall speak the gospel of truth…
5:7: Even the nations that did not know YHWH had ordinances...This verse points to the presence of the natural law, or free will, in man…(Romans 2:14-15)...
5:8-9: The Lord is getting ready to execute His Judgements on His people for all their abominations...
5:10-17: YHWH is not happy with His people so he is now preparing to carry out His Judgements because they went astray from Him living is sin...
Ezekiel 6: The Lord Condemns Idolatry:
6:1-3: The Final fulfillment of this Judgement was carried out in the Incarnation, when Christ came to wield the sword of the Spirit against all idolatry…
Ezekiel 7: Judgement is Near for Israel:
7:1-6: The Lord’s judgement against sin is to withhold mercy, thus allowing abominations of sin…
7:7-26: Saying the same thing how YHWH will carry out His judgments for the sins His people have chosen to live in without repenting…
Ezekiel 8: Abominations of Jerusalem:
8:1-4: Scholars date this September 17, 592 BC...It takes place in exile, in Ezekiel’s house near Babylon...His vision of YHWH gives us a heavenly perspective of the glory of the Lord…
8:6: The remainder of this Chapter concerns great acts of lawlessness done on temple grounds...Present are idolatry, hypocrisy, preoccupation with Tammuz, a false god, and lastly, sun worship...YHWH’s verdict? No Mercy…
Ezekiel 9: Messengers of YHWH:
9:2-11: These men are messengers of YHWH, and the one man among them prefigures Christ our High Priest, clothed in vestments of righteousness, carrying out the commands of the Father…
Ezekiel 10: The Glory Leaves The Temple:
10:1-2: As the man in the long robe went between the wheels, so Christ permeates all of the Holy Scripture, The Old and the New Testaments alike...St. Gregory the Great sees in the coals a type of holy men…(Reference Isaiah 6:6-7)...
10:4: The brightness of the Lord’s glory is referring to His uncreated energies, in which He reveals Himself...These Old Testament theophanies (reference Exodus 40:34; 3 Kingdoms 8:11) are fulfilled and perfected in the glory of the divinity of Christ (John 1:14)...
10:8-17: See Chapter 1 Notes…
10:13: Wheel translates the word Gelgel, used in the LXX as a proper noun, a transliteration of the Hebrew glgl...In the Vulgate, St. Jerome translates it “turnings…”
10:17-18: As the glory of the Lord passed from the house to the cherubim, so YHWH’s glory departed from earthly Israel to the heavenly Jerusalem, over and above them…
NOTE: I’m currently working on Ezekiel Chapters 11-20, and will post those notes and thoughts when complete...
The Father is my hope. The Son is my refuge. The Holy Spirit is my protection. Holy Trinity, glory to You!
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen!
May YAHWEH Bless you all,
Jared W. Campbell
US Army Retired