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Our Daily Bread: Ezekiel Bible Study Chapters 11-20, Notes and Scripture Work:

Writer's picture: jaredcampbell31jaredcampbell31
“Bible Prophecy is extremely important and those who ignore it are the true deceivers...I no longer turn to secular news for answers, because all the answers I need are explained in the Bible...Our fallen world is already under control by the Antichrist, and we are being prepped for his arrival...He will deceive many and will do great wonders from the heaven, and those who failed to study the Word or get spiritually prepared will be led to the pit of fire on that final judgement day...The days are numbered for America, but no need to worry or panic for these are the days for our endurance in faith…
-JPCE Spiritual Talk

Ezekiel 11: Wicked Rulers Will Be Judges, YHWH Will Restore the Exiles:

11:1: Ezekiel’s miraculous prophetic appearance in Jerusalem must have given Israel’s princes quite a shock; even so, they refused to repent... Indeed, Pelatiah dropped dead on the spot...Ananias and Sapphira met a similar fate in the New Testament (Acts 5:10)...The apostle Philip was transported in a similar way, but this time his audience, a Gentile eunuch, listened and was converted, (Acts 8:26-39)...

11:17-25: I will give them the land: This prophecy is being fulfilled in the New Israel, which is the Church, composed of both believing Jews and Gentiles (the nations)...

“YHWH always judges the wicked and then out of His love and Mighty Hands He restores, and brings forth the fruit of the vine...The day will come when the wicked will be no more and all the deeds will be revealed...Standing at the awesome Judgement Seat of Christ is in motion, the Time is Near, O the Lord of my soul...The time will come when all will be judged and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess You are Lord of All, and all the wicked will be purged from this earth…”

-JPCE Spiritual Talk

Ezekiel 12: Ezekiel Prepares for Exile:

12:1-3: Jerusalem was destroyed and its inhabitants taken into captivity in 586 BC, about six years after this prophecy was given

12:12: The ruler is Zedekiah, who ruled from 598-587...He fled Jerusalem by night through a break in the city wall; then he was taken captive and his eyes put out (reference 4 Kingdoms 25:7)...

12:18-19: Compare to Genesis 3:17-19… Adam’s disobedience cursed the ground and placed mankind under toil and labor until his end in death and decay in the grave (return to the ground)...For death and decay in the grave entered the world through him (Romans 5:12)...

12:21-28: Christ echoes this passage in His parable of the good steward (Luke 12:42-48)...

12:25: I, the Lord, shall speak My Words points to Christ, the logos of YHWH…

“Ezekiel was a faithful servant to YHWH, so he was given divine insight into their upcoming captivity...The Lord will always protect those who are faithful to Him...His love will always endure forever and even if we are tossed into captivity, we must hold the line, and hold the faith...Ezekiel held his faith because he knew the Lord will deliver in the end...Take heed of what you continue to read, because America is under judgement and has been since 09-11-2001...I will explain more on this within time, I have learned the Lord never reveals everything at once…

-JPCE Spiritual Talk

Ezekiel 13: Woe to False Prophets:

13:1-3: Israel’s false prophets in reality see nothing at all…

13:4-5: Self-appointed prophets have no firm foundation of truth, but run after “every wind of doctrine” (Ephesians 4:14)...True prophets discern when a message is from YHWH and not “from their hearts…”

13:10-11: Christ condemns the Pharisees with similar language, calling them “whitewashed tombs” (Matthew 23:27), while Paul calls the high priest Ananias a “whitewashed wall” (Acts 23:3)...

Ezekiel 14: Woe to the Idolatrous Elders:

14:1-11: Is talking about YHWH letting the Elders know that they need to turn from their wicked ways...Repent or perish, all must Repent or you will indeed perish for eternity

14:12-14: YHWH sometimes uses evil to bring about good...For instance, YHWH will cut off the supply of food so that hardship might bring His people back to Him...None but the likes of righteous Noah, Daniel, and Job...all whom typify Christ...would listen...Yet in His mercy, The Lord leads “sons and daughters”, who typify the Church, to salvation

NOTE: I’m seeing lots of similarities of the failings of ancient Israel to what America is going through now...Ancient Israel is experiencing a “Great Falling Away”, those of you who have been with me for a while know, I have used that saying many times before...Those were words that were put on my heart months ago by the Lord, I finally understanding what He is showing me through the Scriptures...The People of Israel at this time is moving away from YHWH, they have grown arrogant, selfish, and ungodly sounds like today’s AmericaI will touch more on this throughout our study together, but you sometimes have to see exactly what the Scriptures are telling you...I believe the Bible from the perspective it’s written, I feel many scholars have gotten it wrong either by mistake or purposely, but I’m learning on my own

Ezekiel 15: The Worthless Vine:

15:1-2: Chapters 15-17: Reveal the passing away of the old covenant, and the coming of new covenant in Christ...Chapters 15-17: are parables, while chapter 16 speaks of YHWH’s love for the lawless Jerusalem… The vine is an image of Israel under the old covenant, which was replaced when Christ, the “true vine”, came (reference John 15:1-6)...The branches in the forest typify the Gentile nations from which believers will be :grafted into” the vine, (reference Romans 11:17-25)...

Ezekiel 16: YHWH’s Love for Lawless Jerusalem (16:4-10), An Adulterous Wife (16:44-46), The Covenant Remembered (16:59-63)

16:4-10: A moving account of YHWH’s mercy upon people stricken with perversity of...soul...Water, oil, and fine linen are Old Testament images pointing to baptism

16:44-46: Like mother, like daughter! A sobering parable of how ungodly parents beget lawless children

16:59-63: Though we have dishonored YHWH, still He will remember us when we turn to Him...This calls to mind the repentant thief who called to Christ, “Remember me when You come into Your kingdom”, (Luke 23:42)... “I chant this during my sixth hour prayer (12pm), time with Christ each day…

Ezekiel 17: Two Eagles and a Vine:

17:1-7: This parable was fulfilled historically when Israel went into Babylonian captivity...Some scholars say that the first great eagle is Nebuchadnezzar, and the second, some say Pharaoh…

17:22-24: As the branches were planted on Israel’s mountain, so the Gentile Church (the humble tree) grew out of earthly Israel (the high tree)...

“Our fallen world is awaiting it’s final Antichrist, and the Lawless one will be revealed soon enough...I have never been oppressed but I’m completely free, my soul and heart belong to Yeshua…”

-JPCE Spiritual Talk

Ezekiel 18: Personal Accountability & Turn from Evil and Live:

18:1-32: This Chapter deals with our relationship with YAHWEH (GOD)...The soul who sins, he shall die: Each person is guilty only of his or her own sins...Man inherited death and a tendency to sin from Adam, (Romans 5:12); but human nature, though shared by the fall, remains in the image of YHWH...A man may turn away from righteousness, but he is also capable of seeking YHWH’s grace and experiencing a new heart and a new spirit…

18:32: Reference: 1 Timothy 2:4: Saint Paul teaches us that There's only One Savior, One God and One Mediator…

“We can only account for ourselves and the things we do wrong on an individual level...We must also turn from our wicked ways and shun evil, and do good all of our days...America is done for folks the Judgements will continue because America failed to turn to YHWH... If You are paying attention, America has the same fate as Ancient Israel...America failed to turn to YHWH twenty years ago, we did not turn from our evil ways instead we ran towards the ideas of Satan...This is a fallen world and YHWH is coming back to finish it once and for all, all the wicked on this earth will soon be no more…”

-JPCE Spiritual Talk

Ezekiel 19: A Song of Lament:

19:1-14: The mother lion refers to Judah...The two young lions are Jehoahaz and Jehoiachin, the last kings to reign in Judah (4Kg 23:34; 4Kg 24:12)...The lamentation is taken up because the Davidic line, through the Messiah was to come, was feared to the end...But the faithful Jews would have found renewed hope in this amazing prophecy, for it had been promised long ago by their father Jacob that the rod of strength, the scepter, would not depart from Judah until the Messiah came, (Genesis 49:9-12)...

Ezekiel 20: The Will of the Lord, and Man’s Rebellion:

20:1-4: This is the introduction to a chapter that describes Israel’s history of lawlessness…

20:29: Bamah: There is a play on words here: abamah means: “high place” in Hebrew; bema in Greek means the same...St. Jerome translates this as excelsum (“the exalted place”), reflecting this connection...But Israel used this high place for idolatry and abominations

20:33-44: A prophecy fulfilled ultimately in the Church...The scepter promises Christ, a new king for the people of YHWH (GOD)...Those who revolted will be culled out, while those who know...the Lord will find a way…

“Man can’t stop the will of the Lord no matter how hard they try...America is experiencing what Ancient Israel experienced in the Book of Isaiah, and now in the Book of Ezekiel, judgements are here...America like Ancient Israel has grown arrogant, selfish and deceitful and for the sins of our Government, YHWH has had enough with their abominations in the eyes of the Lord...I will continue as long as I can bringing these messages, and I will always praise the Lord and His name, and will continue as long as their still life in me…

-JPCE Spiritual Talk

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