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Luke 15 Study & Breakdown/Be a Good Shepherd!!!


THE LOST SHEEP- See also (Matthew 18:10-14) & THE LOST COIN & THE PRODIGAL SON

Luke 15:1-32

15:1-12: FELLOWSHIP WITH SINNERS: defiled pious Jews: The Three parables in this chapter are Christ's answer to the PHARISEES AND SCRIBES: The MAN (v. 4), THE WOMAN (v. 8), and the FATHER (v. 12) are seen as representing Christ, and God the Father: "Christ carries the sinner, the Church seeks and intercedes, and the Father receives" -(AmbM) St. Ambrose of Milan!!!

15:4: IN THE FATHER'S: Spiritual interpretation, THE HUNDRED SHEEP represent all rational creation: THE ONE sheep that goes astray is symbolizing mankind, while the NINETY-NINE represent the angelic realm (see also my notes on Matthew 18:12):

15:8: TEN SILVER COINS: comprise a single necklace worn by a married woman, a bride, which is an image of the Church (Ephesians 5:32): The lost coin (Greek-drachma)- carries the image of the king, symbolizes mankind who, bearing the image of God, fell from grace: It through the Church and followers of Yeshua, Christ enlightens the world, takes away sins, and FINDS His lost creation.

15:12-14: THE PORTION OF GOODS at the request of the son (Greek ousia- "essence") is indicating man receiving his or hers free will as well as our rational minds from God: What Adam did in the Garden of Eden, THE YOUNGER SON uses these POSSESIONS to rebel against his FATHER: THE FAR COUNTRY represents life in exile from God:

15:15: FEEDING SWINE: is sometimes referred to as the "Jewish Skid Row": He could not sink much lower...

15:17: CAME TO HIMSELF: A person who so attached to sin is living outside his true self (Romans 7:17-20): The prodigal realizes his hopeless condition: THE BREAD: symbolizes Christ, who is known in the Scriptures and the Eucharist:

15:20: JEWISH CULTURE: it was considered for an old man to run, THE FATHER did not passively stand by waiting for his son to return: He RAN to him: This self-humiliation of the lost show us the way in which our Father, through self sacrifice of Christ- actively seeks who go astray!!!

15:22: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ROBE: is righteousness that is granted by baptism (Isaiah 61:10), the signet RING is family identity (Haggai 2:23), and the SANDALS refer to walking according to the gospel (Ephesians 6:15):

15:11-32: This passage is read on the third Sunday before Great Lent, called the Sunday of the Prodigal Son:

15:23: FATTED CALF: is better translated "wheat-fed bull-calf" - or even better "a bull-calf formed from wheat": This animal is a male calf that is raised on wheat in preparation for use as a religious offering: The reconciliation was not competed without the sacrifice of the calf, so our reconciliation with the Lord isn't based off repentance alone, but by Christ offering Himself on the Cross: The festive dining on an animal offering "formed from wheat" is a reference to our partaking of the eucharist bread- (see- also my notes on Matthew 22:4):

15:25-28: THE RESENTFUL OLDER SON: is illustrating the hard hearts of the Pharisees to whom Christ was telling this parable (vv. 2, 3): God requires His followers to rejoice when the most blamable person is called to repentance- (CyrAl)

15:29: I NEVER TRANGRESSED YOUR COMMANDMENTS AT ANY TIME: The failure of the older son to see his own sins leads to him being self-righteous and also having a merciless attitude: Compare with the younger son (vv. 18, 19): The one who seems to himself to be righteous, who does not see the beam in his own eye, becomes angry when forgiveness is granted to the one who confesses his sin and begs for mercy (AmbM): The older son's ingratitude is also seen in his charge YOU NEVER GAVE ME A YOUNG GOAT to his father, who has given him all he has (v. 31):


-Be a good shepherd a leader who never leaves anyone behind or allows them go astray!!! We are our brothers and sisters keeper, and it's our duty to check on each other to make sure all is good!!! In a fallen world of sheep it seems it needs more shepherds to arise and bear the CROSS!!!





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