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DAY 24: CLEAN: The Chosen 40 days with Jesus - "Jesus Makes us Clean" … SEE VIDEO LINK …

Good evening … Great is His faithfulness …

Click on video link :


Jesus Cleanses a Leper

12 And it happened when He was in a certain city, that behold, a man who was full of leprosy saw Jesus; and he fell on his face and [a]implored Him, saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.”

LUKE 5:12

Leprosy of that time was considered a terrible disease … It brought physical suffering and total banishment including isolation from all of society … It was also a symbol of sin …

SIN: ἁμαρτία hamartía, ham-ar-tee'-ah; from G264; a sin (properly abstract):—offence, sin(-ful) – meaning, “MISSING THE MARK” … In ancient Greek this word could also describe the action of an archer who failed to hit his target … So being humans we all miss the mark, because we are all sinners needed repentance and forgiveness, we miss the mark of perfection that God has set for His people and all who follow Him and His ways, and by missing this mark is results in alienation from God …

Moving Forward

1: What part of your soul needs Jesus’ healing touch???

1 Thessalonians 5:23:

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify[a] you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Three parts to us being human, the Bible tells us that the body, soul, and spirit is the three parts we need for healing, and so today looking at this question more of pain is stemming from my body the physical pain, all that chronic pain I have acquired of my years in the military … The Lord heals my soul and spirit which helps me to keep my mind off the physical but somedays are harder than others, and this why we continue to seek Him, give all to Him daily …

2: What’s holding you back from the kind of bold faith the leper had??? Nothing is holding me back, I’m the leper every day, I know I’m not worthy … Meaning if we miss the mark daily, it’s my obedience in knowing I’m always held accountable by God, I have true faith, and the fear of God, that was the leper, strong and bold faith, and he had a fear of God … Nothing wrong in being the leper every day, his example keeps us honest … I can speak from experience daily repentance truly cleanses us from all our stains of impurities …

3: How can you connect with people in your life who aren’t part of the “IN” CROWD, as Jesus did??? Well, if I’m being honest, I have always hung out with the so-called outcasts … I never bought into the term “IN CROWD”, but since my coming to Christ my need to be with the ones who are considered last here on earth has increased meaning I’ve been called to find the lost sheep, to help call sinners to repentance … No matter who I encounter I always try to plant that seed of God and His greatness, I love being that example and witness of His greatness …

Prayer Focus:

Thank God for making you clean – (today’s entry is a reminder of why our prayers need to include gratitude, hmm???) and ask Him to give you His heart for the unclean …

PSALM 50 (51) – Is part of this evening’s Prayer Focus …

Numbers 6:24-26

24 “The Lord bless you and keep you; 25 The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; 26 The Lord [a]lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”

In Christ love Jared W Campbell

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